Penjelasan dan Contoh Memo Terlengkap - Penjelasan dan Contoh Memo Terlengkap. Berdasarkan pemakaiannya, Official memo (memo resmi) digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi dari seorang pimpinan kepada bawahannya, biasanya memo jenis ini kita jumpai dalam organisasi dan perusahaan. Memo pribadi (memo tidak resmi) dipakai sebagai nota atau surat pernyataan antar teman, saudara, atau orang lain yang memiliki hubungan yang akrab. Memo disampaikan dengan menggunakan kalimat yang sederhana namun efektif.

Definition of Memo

Memo is a short message sent from one person to another in the same organization. Memo merupakan pesan singkat yang dikirimkan seseorang kepada orang lain baik itu dalam ruang lingkup pekerjaan, organisasi, keluarga maupun pertemanan.

Purpose of Memo

The purpose of Memo is to communicate importants thing such as a policy change, instructiomn to conduct a meeting, crucial message etc. Fungsi dari memorandum adalah untuk mengkomunikasikan hal hal yang penting seperti perubahan kebijakan, perintah mengikuti suatu rapat, maupun pesan penting yang ingin disampaikan.

Generic Structure Memo Bahasa Inggris

Untuk membuat Memo, kita harus tahu struktur umumnya. Memorandum disusun dengan generic structure sebagai berikut
Penerima pesan, bagian dimana kita menuliskan siapa dan dimana penerima pesan itu.
Isi pesan, bagian inti dari pesan itu berkenaan dengan hal yang patut untuk segera diketahui dan dilakukan.
Pengirim pesan, bagian yang menjelaskan siapa dan dimana penerima pesan memo tersebut.

Example and Translate

Contoh memo resmi
Tapuih Coorporation
Padang, Indonesia

To : All Employees
From : Ricardo Smith, Manager
Date : January 16th, 2016
Subject : Farewell Ceremony

We will held a farewell ceremony for John Doe, Assistant Manager. The ceremony will be held at 09.00 A.M on January 18th, 2016. All employees are required to attend the ceremony.

Best regard,

Ricardo Smith

Perusahaan Tapuih
Padang, Indonesia

Untuk : Seluruh pegawai
Dari : Ricardo Smith, Manajer
Tanggal: 16 Januari 2016
Perihal : Pesta Perpisahan

Kita akan mengadakan pesta perpisahan untuk John Doe, Asisten Manajer. Acaranya akan diadakan pada jam 09.00 malam tanggal 18 Januari 2016. Semua pegawai diharapkan untuk menghadiri pesta perpisahan ini.

Dengan Hormat,

Ricardo Smith

Contoh memo tidak resmi
To: John Doe
From : Bryan Smith

John, when we will go up the mountain? I will be free on Saturday and Monday. Let me know if you are free too. our destination is hiking and trekking Mount Rinjani, Lombok Island, Indonesia.

Untuk : John Doe
Dari : Bryan Smith

John, kapan kita akan mendaki gunung lagi? Saya ada libur pada hari Sabtu dan Senin. Beritahu saya jika kamu libur juga. Tujuan kita kali ini adalah mendaki Gunung Rinjani, Pulau Lombok, Indonesia.

Itulah beberapa contoh memo dalam bahasa inggris baik memo resmi maupun memo tidak resmi. Untuk lebih jelasnya saya akan tambahkan dua contoh lagi.

Contoh Pertama
To : All Employees
From : Jack Rusel, Head Manager
Date : July 15th, 2016
Subject : Our Company's Anniversary

Next Sunday, we are going to celebrate our company's anniversary. It will be held at 10:00 a.m. on July 15th, 2014. There will be bazaar and door prizes for the employees. I hope you can attend this celebration on time.

Contoh Kedua
To: Jesica
From: Mother

Jesica,  I have called you several times but you did not answer it. Please cook some foods for your father if you already arrive at home. All of the materials are in the refrigerator. Take it carefully. I go to grandma’s house and will be home late. Call me if you have any question.

To : Jack Smith
Date : August 27, 2016

Jack, I need your help to announce all the managers that we are going to take a meeting on Saturday, August 29. You have to prepare the data of our finance report for this month. It must be clear before the meeting because the data is included in the meeting and should be presented in front of all the managers.  I will be there on Friday to check your work.

David O'cornor
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer of each questions!
1. What does the memo talk about?
A. The meeting which will be carried out on August 29
B. The data of finance report
C. A presentation to the all managers
D. Checking the work of Raihan Ardilangga on Friday

2. Why does Jack Smith need to prepare the finance report?
A. Because the job is his regular work
B. The company hasn’t received the data for this month yet
C. It will be included and presented in the meeting
D. To complete the previous report

3. When does David come back?
A. As soon as possible
B. A day before the meeting
C. On Saturday morning
D. On March 29, 2014
To : All Teachers
From : Head Master
Date : May 9th, 2016
Subject : National Exam Preparation

Next Wednesday, we will discuss about the national exam preparation, I hope all teachers to be present on time at 10:00 a.m. in the teacher's room.
4. "we will discuss about the national....". The words below have similar similar meaning with the underlined word, Except ….
A. Talk through
B. Talk over
C. Disband
D. Tackle

5. From the text above, we can say that ….
A. The teachers should come at 11.00 a.m
B. The memo is written by principal
C. Discussion will be held in the headmaster's room
D. The memo talk about students' report

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