Teks Descriptive dan Kunci Pembahasan Jawaban

Teks Descriptive dan Kunci Pembahasan Jawaban 

The following text is for questions number 1 and 2.

I live in a small village called Dempet in Demak, Central Java. It is a nice and quiet place. My house is near a bridge which goes to a market. Behind my house is a big river. The street in front of my house is about ten meters wide.

People in my village are mostly farmers. They grow paddy, watermelons, and cucumbers. Some people earn their living by raising cattle, such as goats, sheep, and cows. Some others are traders. They sell crops and other stuff at the market.

Early in the morning, the street in front of my house is always crowded by people going to the market. The goods are carried by horse carts and bicycles.

1. What do the people in the writer’s village mostly do for a living? By being a …
(A) Farmer.
(B) Seller.
(C) Shepherd.
(D) Trader.

Jawaban A.
Pembahasan: People in my village are mostly farmers.

2. How do the villagers earn their living? They are …
(A) growing flowers.
(B) raising chicken.
(C) selling paddy.
(D) driving horse carts.

Jawaban C
Pembahasan: They grow paddy, watermelons, and cucumbers. ... Some others are traders.

Sumber soal Descriptive Text ini adalah dari Soal Ujian Nasional SMP / MTs 2012. 

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