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Pembahasan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA 2009

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Audio Listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMA 2009


Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 1.
Man: Nina, you look so pale, what’s wrong with you?
Woman: My asthma played up again.
Man: Poor you! was it trouble some for you?
Woman: It was last night, I could hardly sleep.

1. Narrator:  What is the speakers talking about?
Dialog tersebut membicarakan mengenai kondisi kesehatan wanita tersebut. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah The woman’s health problem.
Jawaban: A

Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 2.
Woman: Steve! What seems to be the problem?
Man: Well, I had a bad cold and the doctor gave me some medicine.
Woman: Listen! Forget about that medicine, try this herbal one!
Man: Oh, no thanks.

2. Narrator: What does the woman offer?
Sudah jelas pada dialog tersebut dia menawarkan obat herbal (herbal medicine). Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah Herbal medicine.
Jawaban: A

Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 3.
Man: I’m going to do my office assignment?
Woman: But it’s a lovely day, dear. Why don’t we go for a walk?
Man: Can you wait a few minute? I have to finish this letter.
Woman: Don’t take too long.

3. Narrator: What is the woman suggesting?
Mereka hendak pergi jalan-jalan setelah salah satu dan mereka menyelesaikan tugasnya. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah Going for a walk.
Jawaban: D

Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 4. 
Man: Whose book is this?
Woman: It’s mine
Man: May I borrow it? I do realy want to read it.

4. Narrator: What is the man interested in?
Pada kalimat “I do realy want to read it”, jelas bahwa dia tertank untuk membaca buku. Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah Reading the book.
Jawaban: C

Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 5.  
Man: What can l do for you, Mam?
Mam: I’m looking for a science book. Do you have one about chemistry?
Man: Well, you’d better check it in this catalogue!
Mam: Thanks.

5. Narrator: Which picture goes with the conversation?
Seting dialog tersebut adalah pada perpustakaan. Jadi gambar yang sesuai adalah gambar No 3.
Jawaban: C


6. Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat.
Woman: Why do you look so upset?
Man: It’s been a hard day today! It was raining when I went to school, it was difficult to get a school bus, I had to wait for 20 minute before the bus came.
Woman: _____________ .
A. It must be fun
B. That is good for you
C. That’s really nice
D. I’m teribly sorry to hear that

Respon yang tepat untuk dialog tersebut adalah I’m terribly sorry to hear that.
Jawaban: D

7. Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat.
Man: We went to Bandung yesterday, we spent our time shopping.
Woman: So, what do you think about Bandung?
Man: ________________ .
A. As long as you like it
B. Bandung is the capital of West Java
C. It’s a good place for shopping
D. Bandung is not far from here

Respon yang tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan woman adalah It’s a good place for shopping. Karena pada awalnya dia menyatakan "we spent our time shopping".
Jawaban: C

8. Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat.
Man: It seems that you need something?
Woman: My computer doesn’t work well, may I use this computer?
Man: ________________ .
A. My computer is at home
B. I don’t have a computer
C. My computer is Sony Vaio
D. Sorry, I haven’t finished typing my document

Respon yang tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan woman adalah Sorry, I haven’t finished typing my document. karena pilihan yang lain bukan merupakan respon yang benar dan pertanyaan "May I use this computer?"
Jawaban: D

9. Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat.
Man: Maria! Did you type this letter?
Woman: Yes, sir. Anything wrong with it, sir?
Man: Yes, you did it very carelessly, this time.
Woman: I really apologize, sir. Let me retype the letter
Man: ______________ .
A. I’m not happy with your work
B. Your work is better than ever
C. I think this is great
D. Give me a second chance

Ada dua pilihan yang memungkinkan yaitu A dan D. Pilthan A kurang tepat karena, dengan dia menegur Maria dia sudah tidak merasa senang dengan hasil pekerjaaanya. Makanya pilihan D yang tepat karena Maria meminta maaf dan berusaha untuk memperbaikinya den gan ungkapan yang tepat retype the letter artinya dia menginginkan Let's see the second chance (kesempatan kedua untuk memperbaikinya) letter!
Jawaban: D

10. Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat.
Woman: Hello John, what news with you?
Man: My friend and I are going skiing this, weekend. Would you come to join us?
Woman: ____________ .
A. I’m just fine, thanks
B. No, it’s too expensive to buy the book
C. Yes, we went there together
D. I’m so sorry I can’t, may be next week

Jawaban yang tepat untuk merespon ajakan ml adalah I’m so sorry I can't, may be next week.
Jawaban: D


Perhatikan monologue text berikut untuk menjawab pertanyaan No 11.
One of my favorite actors is in this picture, he’s in his twenties, he’s white, he’s medium height, and quite well-built, he’s got a quiet dark eyebrow and short brown hair, in this photo, he’s got a beard and the mustache.

11. Narrator: Which picture goes with the description you have just heard?
Dalam diskripsi tersebut disebutkan beard dan moustache (jenggot dan kumis). Jadi foto yang terdapat kedua hal itu adalah gambar No 5.
Jawaban: E

Perhatikan monologue text berikut untuk menjawab pertanyaan No 12 dan 13.
There was one a poor woman who wish very much to have a little child, she went to a fairy good mother who lives near green meadow in the valley, the women receives a barleycorn seed from the fairy. She went home and planted it in the flower pot. Several days later the seeds grow up into a large beautiful flower, surprisingly, the woman saw a little girl inside the flower, this sweet little girl was as long as a thumb. The women gave her the name The timberline because she was so small.

12. Narrator: What is the story about?
Jelas disebutkan pada teks mengenai The barleycorn seed.
Jawaban: B

13. Narrator: Where were barleycorn seen planted?
Jelas disebutkan pada teks bahwa biji tersebut ditanam dalam pot bunga In a flower pot.
Jawaban: C

Perhatikan monologue text berikut untuk menjawab pertanyaan No 14 dan 15.
The polar bear is a bear native to Arctic Ocean and it surrounding seas. And the adult male weights about 400 to 680 Kg, while an adult female is about half that size. Although it closely related to the brown bear, it has a pole to occupied narrow ecological knees with many characteristic adopted for cold temperature, for moving across water, ice, open water and for hunting seal that make his diet. Although most polar bear are born on land, it spent most of its time at sea, hence its name meaning maritime bear and can hunt consistently, only from sea ice. It spent much of the year on the frozen sea.

14. Narrator: What does the adult male weight?
Pada kalimat kedua tertera berat rata-rata dan beruang kutub jantan yaitu 400—680 kg.
Jawaban: B

15. Narrator: Where did the animal live?
Tertera pada kalimat pertama yaitu berada di Arctic Ocean.
Jawaban: A


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