Daftar Homographs Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap
AdminDapodik.com - Daftar Homographs Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terlngkap. Homographs adalah kata-kata yang ejaan (spelling) sama namun pelafalan (sound) dan artinya (meaning) berbeda. Berikut ini beberapa daftar (list) dari Homograph.
Words | Meaning |
Agape | Love |
Open | |
Am | Americium |
I Am | |
America | |
Art | Aesthetic |
Thou Art | |
As | Arsenic |
Alike | |
Ash | Fire |
Tree | |
Animal | |
Arse, Buttocks | |
At | Astatine |
Eight - Sanskrit | |
Near | |
Axes | Several Axe-S |
Several Axis-S | |
Aye | Yes |
Ever | |
Ba | Barium |
Spirit | |
Bail | Bailiff |
Handle | |
Rod, Wall Of Posts | |
Ball | Dance |
Round Object | |
Band | Circle |
Of Soldiers | |
Bard | Put Over |
Singer | |
Barrow | Bier, Carrier |
Burial Mound | |
Neutered Boar | |
Base | Bottom, Foundation |
Low, Musical Instrument | |
Bass | Basswood |
Fish | |
Music | |
Bat | Club |
Flying Mammal | |
Be | Beryllium |
Exist | |
Bear | Animal; Stock Market |
Carry | |
Beck | Beckon |
Stream | |
Bee | Insect |
Prayer | |
Ring | |
Beetle | Hammer (Battle-) |
Insect | |
Bill | Bird's |
Invoice | |
Bit | Binary-Digit |
Piece, Past Of Bite, Bridle | |
Blaze | Flare Up; Mark |
Proclaim | |
Blow | Expand |
Wind; Strike | |
Boil | Carbunkle |
Heat Water | |
Boon | Gift, Decreed Blessing |
Merry, A Boon Companion | |
Bore | Born |
Drill, Boredom | |
Tidal Wave | |
Bound | Bind, Boundary |
Going, Determined | |
Leap | |
Bowl | Pitch |
Plate | |
Brash | Bold |
Rubble | |
Bulk | Baulk; Plank |
Mass | |
Bully | Beau |
Bossy Persecutor | |
Of Bullock - Bully Beef | |
Burn | Overheat |
Stream | |
Busk | Ambush |
Prepare, Tack, Street Player | |
Can | Is Able |
Tin | |
Case | Container |
Instance | |
Cestus | Cut |
Prick | |
Chime | Cymbal |
Rim Of A Cask | |
Chit | Chink, Sprout |
Many Colored | |
Clove | Garlic |
Spice | |
Club | Bat |
Belong | |
Coax | Cable |
Urge | |
Colon | &Quot;:&Quot; |
Bowel | |
Compound | Combination |
Corral | |
Con | Against |
Con-Duce | |
Cunning | |
Console | Comfort |
Monitor | |
Content | Contained |
Satisfied | |
Copper | Mineral |
Policeman | |
Corn | Grain |
Horn, Callous | |
Corporal | Leader, Head |
Of The Body | |
Count | Nobleman |
Number | |
Counter | Bench, Calculator, Token |
Oppose | |
Creek | Native Am. |
Stream | |
Deal | Board |
Cards, A Measure | |
Defile | Filament, File Off |
Pollute | |
Demean | Behave Properly |
Make Common | |
Denier | One Who Denies |
Stocking Measure | |
Derma | Gut |
Skin | |
Desert | Leave, Desolate |
Reward | |
Pudding, Fruits | |
Die | Dead |
Stamp | |
Diet | Council |
Food Intake | |
Do | Act |
Do Re Mi | |
Does | Did |
F. Pl. Deer, Hornless Hind | |
Don | Dom, A Leader |
Put On (Clothes) | |
Dove | Bird |
Jumped, Dived | |
Down | Direction |
Feathers | |
Duff | Dough, Pudding |
Dust | |
Dun | Brown |
Scots - Castle; Bill, Account | |
Ear | Hearing Organ |
Spike Of Grain | |
Egg | Chicken |
Encourage | |
Enceinte | Encircle |
Pregnant | |
Entrance | Delight |
Enter | |
Ergotism | Ergotamine Disease (≪ Ergot) |
Reasoning, (≪ Ergo) | |
Excise | Cut Out |
Taxes Ad+Censes | |
Fair | Fail (Colloq. Us) |
Festival | |
Just; Pretty | |
Fairy | |
Faith | |
Fit | |
White Man | |
Fell | Brae, Hill |
Fallen, Level, Sew Seam | |
Felon, Cruel | |
Pelt | |
Ferret | Animal |
Flower | |
Feud | Family Fight |
Rental | |
File | Defile, Corrupt |
Papers, Line-Up | |
Tool; Grind | |
Fils | Filial |
Fool | |
Flounder | Fish |
Flounce-Founder | |
Fm | Fermium |
Foil | Aluminum, Leaf |
Baffle, Spoil, Defile | |
Epee, Sabre, For Fencing | |
Found | Cast Metal |
Establish | |
Not Lost | |
Full | Fill-Ed |
Swell Vb, Wash | |
Genial | Innate Quality |
Of The Jaw | |
Gill | Fish |
Girlfriend | |
Glen, Ravine, Rivulet | |
Volume | |
Gram | Grain |
Symbol | |
Grate | Grid, Sieve |
Scrape | |
Grave | Burial |
Serious; Accented | |
Gust | Taste, Gustatory |
Wind | |
Hail | &Quot;A Cab&Quot; |
Ice Rain | |
Hale | &Quot;And Hearty&Quot; |
Haul | |
He | Helium |
Pronoun | |
Heel | Foot |
Tilt, Stern | |
Helm | Boat, Handle |
Helmet | |
Hide | Conceal, Skin |
Measure Of Land | |
Hind | Behind |
Bondsman | |
Deer | |
Ho | Holmium |
Oriental Language | |
Hold | Interior Of A Ship |
Possess | |
Homo | Alike/Same--Homograph |
Man--Homo Erectus | |
I | Iodine |
Me | |
In | In |
Indium | |
It | Pronoun |
Jean | Frenchman (John) |
Jersey, Cloth | |
Job | Old Testament Character |
Work | |
Keel | Boat Part, Tilt |
Cool | |
La | Do Re Mi |
Lanthanum | |
Lap | Groin, Overlap |
Lick Up, Splash | |
Last | A Load |
Endure, Foot Print | |
Final, Late | |
Lead | Guide |
Metal | |
Lean | Incline |
Lanky | |
Leave | Abandon |
Permission | |
Produce Leaves | |
Leech | Medical, Biological |
Part Of A Boat Sail | |
Lie | Falsehood |
Recline, Lay Of The Land | |
Light | Illuminate |
Weight | |
Lightsome | Illuminate |
Weight | |
Link | Connect |
Lamp | |
List | Lean |
Listen | |
Satisfy | |
Tabulate, A Strip, Scroll | |
Low | Cow Noise |
Down | |
Mahout | In Charge |
Measure | |
Manes | Customs |
Neck Hair | |
Mange | Eat |
Hair Loss | |
March | Month, Mars |
Walk, Boundary | |
Mare | Fem. Horse |
Moon Seas | |
Mass | Christian Ritual |
Lump | |
Match | Equal |
Fire | |
May | Be Able |
Month | |
Mead | Drink |
Meadow | |
Meal | Dinner |
Flour, Bran | |
Mean | Average |
Intend | |
Nasty, Humble, Poor | |
Meet | Commensurate, Fit |
Rendezvous, Connect | |
Mental | Of The Chin |
Of The Mind | |
Mere | Only |
Sea, Lake, Pond | |
Mew | Cage, Stables |
Meow | |
Seagull | |
Miss | Maid |
Not Hit, Go Astray | |
Molar | Amount |
Tooth | |
Mold | Leaf Mold |
Shape | |
Mole | Animal; Uterine Mass |
Blemish | |
Dam; Molec. Weight | |
Mood | Feeling |
Measure | |
Moor | Boat |
Wasteland | |
Moped | Brooded |
Motorcycle | |
Mould | Leaf Mold |
Shape | |
Mum | Mother |
Silent | |
Must | Musk |
Should | |
Mystery | Guild |
Secret, Puzzle | |
Nave | Hub, Porch |
Ship | |
Ne | Neon |
Net | Fishing, Reticule |
Profit, Remaining | |
Nice | City |
Good | |
Nix | Nil Thing, Nichts |
Water Fairy | |
No | Nobelium |
Nut | Fruit |
Horus | |
Ooze | Nn |
Vb | |
Or | Early, Before |
Either | |
Gold, Yellow | |
Os | Bone |
Mouth | |
Osmium | |
Ounce | Lynx |
Weight | |
Overage | Surplus |
Too-Old | |
Pa | Maori Fort |
Papa | |
Protactinium | |
Pace | Peace, Pax |
Speed; Footstep | |
Paddy | Irishman, Fit |
Rice Field | |
Pale | Fence |
Pallid | |
Pan | Feather |
Greek Faun | |
Pots And Pans, Face | |
Parity | # Births |
Equality | |
Pate | Head |
Liver Paste | |
Peak | Droop, Pine |
Point | |
Peaked | Pointed, High Is Reached |
Unhealthy | |
Peel | Stockade, Spade, Pole |
To Skin | |
Peer | Equal Rank |
Look At | |
Pelt | Fur |
Throw, Impel | |
Pen | Corral |
Writing | |
Pile | Cloth |
Heap, Building, Electricity | |
Post | |
Pine | Fade, Fail |
Tree | |
Pinion | Cog |
Feather | |
Pit | Card Game |
Depression, Hole | |
Pith, Kernel, Stone | |
Pitch | Tar |
Throw, Angle | |
Plane | Airplane, Tool |
Flat Surface | |
Plight | &Quot;- My Troth&Quot;, Pledge |
Predicament, Danger | |
Poke | Pokeweed |
Push, Prod, Yolk, Slowpoke, Cowpoke | |
Sack, Bag | |
Pole | Geographic, Electrical |
Polander/Polish | |
Post | |
Polish | Of Country Poland |
Shine | |
Post | Mail, Position, Army |
Stake, Pin Up | |
After- | |
Poster | Mailman |
Picture, Placard | |
Pound | Beat |
Lockup | |
Weight | |
Pregnant | Cogent, Convincing |
Expecting | |
Press | At Hand, Draft Into Service |
Push, Print | |
Prize | Of War, Pry |
Won, [Price], Value | |
Punch | Drink |
Hit, Die | |
Punchinello | |
Punt | Bridge, Paddle |
Place, Put | |
Pussy | Cat, Kitten |
Pus, Putrid | |
Put | Fool |
Place | |
Quail | Cower |
Pheasant | |
Quarrel | Argue |
Square | |
Quarry | Hunt |
Stone | |
Rabat | Capital Of Morocco |
Clothing | |
Race | A People |
Contest | |
Racket | Ruction |
Tennis | |
Ram | Sheep |
Rank | Order |
Smelly, Lush | |
Rape | Erode |
To Seize, Ravish | |
Rare | Meat |
Uncommon | |
Rash | Impulsive |
Skin Blemish | |
Raven | Crow |
Devour, Despoil | |
Re | Do Re Mi |
Real | |
Rhenium | |
Real | Regal Realm |
Unimaginary, Property | |
Rear | Behind |
Raise, Rise Up | |
Refrain | Not Do |
Song | |
Reserve | &Quot;Serve Again&Quot; |
Hold Back | |
Rid | Remove |
Rode | |
Riddle | Puzzle |
Sieve | |
Ring | Circle |
Resound | |
Root | Cheer [For] |
Dig Out | |
Plant, Math | |
Rote | Insrument |
Turn | |
Round | Circular, A Song |
Whisper | |
Row | Alignment |
Arguement | |
Boat | |
Rush | Hurry |
Reed | |
Rye | Grain |
Ruler | |
Sac | Sack, Scrotum |
Sage | Herb |
Wise | |
Sake | Alcohol |
Purpose | |
Salve | Ointment |
Salute, Salvage | |
Saw | A Saying |
See | |
Tool, Cut | |
Scale | Fish, Weighing Machine |
Music, Climb, Amount | |
School | Shoal |
Teach | |
Scout | Disdain |
Search | |
Seal | A Letter, Sequester |
Marine Animal | |
Sear | Singe, Dry Up |
Squash Together | |
See | Residence, Province |
View | |
Set | Egyptian God |
Put, Sit | |
Sect, Collection | |
Sewer | Drain |
Seater | |
Sews Clothes | |
Skate | A Shit, Blatherskite |
Flat Fish | |
Slide | |
Sledge | Hammer |
Sleigh | |
Slip | Cowslip, Slime |
Slide Over | |
Small Bit | |
Slug | Snail |
Strike | |
Soil | Dirty; Defile |
Throne, Earth | |
Sole | Foot, Fish |
Only | |
Sorrel | Brown |
Sour Plant | |
Sound | Depth, Body Of Water |
Healthy, Solid | |
Noise | |
Sow | Pig |
Seed | |
Speck | Fat, Blubber |
Spot | |
Spill | Split, Fall Away |
Wooden Peg, Torch | |
Spit | Roast |
Saliva | |
Squash | Flatten |
Pumpkin | |
Stalk | Hunt With Stealth, Strut |
Stem | |
Stall | Barn, Berth |
Fix In Place, Stave Off | |
Stare | A Post |
Wide-Eyed | |
Stay | Prop, Support, Tie Up |
Remain | |
Stern | Severe |
Ship | |
Stole | Cloak |
Past Tense Of Steal | |
Stoop | Bend |
Porch | |
Strain | Lineage, Music, Outburst |
Stress | |
Supply | Provide |
Supple-Ly, Adv. | |
Tarry | Dawdle |
Tarred | |
Tear | Rip |
Weep | |
The | Definite Article |
Masc Dem Pron | |
Ti | Do Re Mi |
Titanium | |
Tick | Mattress Cover |
Parasite | |
Tick, Tock; Check Mark | |
Toil | A Net |
Work Hard | |
Tuck | Energy, Vigor |
Fold, Hunger, Eat | |
Rapier | |
Vale | Hearty |
Valley | |
Vent | Split |
Window | |
Ware | Goods |
Vigilant, Aware | |
Wax | Bee's Fat |
Increase | |
Well | Healthy And Wealthy |
Water | |
Wend | Wendish Person |
Wind, Travel | |
Wight | A Whit |
Vigorous | |
Wind | Blow |
Turn | |
With | Rope |
Together | |
Wood | Mad |
Of Trees | |
Wound | Injury |
Wind Around | |
X | &Quot;Unknown Quantity&Quot; |
Cross, Ex, Mark | |
Decade, Roman Numeral Ten | |
Y | &Quot;Unknown Quantity&Quot; |
Fork (Divergence) | |
Yittrium | |
Yard | Enclosure |
Three Feet, A Sail | |
Z | End Of The Line, Omega |
&Quot;Unknown Quantity&Quot; |
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