AdminDapodik.com - Apa Maksud WINDOW SHOPPING? WINDOW SHOPPING adalah aktivitas melihat-lihat, baik melihat barang-barang yang di toko maupun ditempat lain. Sebagai contoh, ketika jalan-jalan di mall sambil melihat-lihat barang di balik etalase. Orang yang melakukan cuci mata di pertokoan mungkin merasa senang hanya dengan membayangkan membeli barang-barang atau sekedar mengetahui harga barang tersebut.
WINDOW SHOPPING means "the activity of spending time looking at the goods on sale in shop windows without intending to buy any of them."
Kira-kira seperti itulah ilustrasi percakapan yang menunjukkan adanya aktivitas atau kegiatan window shopping ini. Window shopping terkadang sering diistilahkan sebagai cuci mata.
Example sentences containing 'WINDOW SHOPPING'
WINDOW SHOPPING means "the activity of spending time looking at the goods on sale in shop windows without intending to buy any of them."
Girl: "Hey Jack, what are you doing here" Boy: "I just walk around the mall" Girl: "Did you buy anything while you were out?" Boy: "No, i was just window shopping" Girl: "Okay Jack, have fun!" |
Example sentences containing 'WINDOW SHOPPING'
They go to the shopping centre just to window shopping.
John loves his wife, but he likes to go window shopping on occasion.
Jimmy's gonna window shopping, I think he wants to console himself.
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