Lists of Verbs Followed by To Infinitive
Mempelajari verb maka tidak akan jauh-jauh dengan yang namanya to infinitive. To Infinitive sendiri adalah salah satu pelajaran Grammar yang sedikit memusingkan kepala, sehingga beberapa buku Grammar menempatkan materi pembahasan tentang to infinitive pada bagian paling akhir, alias pelajaran pamungkas. Nah kali ini kita akan membahas tentang beberapa kata kerja (verbs) yang harus diikuti oleh to infinitive. Sebenarnya memang secara umum, jika ada dua kata kerja berdampingan maka hal yang paling lumrah adalah menambahkan to diantara keduanya seperti yang saya contohkan kemarin:
I want to sleep..
Jika sebelumnya saya membahas tentang verbs followed by gerund, maka sekarang giliran verbs followed by to infinitive. Seperti biasa, Referensi yang saya ambil yaitu dari bukunya Betty S. Azar yang berjudul "Understanding and Using English Grammar edisi Ketiga." biar jika ada yang keliru bisa protes kepada yang empunya buku. Berikut adalah ringkasan yang diberikan Azar (2002:319) tentang beberapa kata kerja yang diikuti dengan to infinitive.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | Afford Agree Appear Arrange Ask Can’t bear Beg Begin Care Claim Consent Continue Decide Demand Deserve Expect Fail Forget Hate Hesitate Hope Learn Like Love Manage Mean Need Offer Plan Prefer Prepare Pretend Promise Refuse Regret Remember Seem Can’t stand Start Struggle Swear Threaten Try Volunteer Wait Want Wish | I can’t afford to buy it They agreed to help us She appeared to be tired I’ll arrange to meet you at the airport He asked to come with us I can’t bear to wait in long lines He begged to come with us It began to rain I don’t care to see that show She claims to know a famous movie star She finally consents to marry him He continued to speak I have decided to leave on Monday I demand to know who is responsible She deserve to win the prize I expect to enter graduate school in the fall She failed to return the book to the library on time I forgot to mail the letter I hate to make silly mistakes Don’t hesitate to ask for my help Jack hopes to arrive next week He learned to play the piano I like to go to the movies I love to go to operas She managed to finish her work early I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings I need to have your opinion She offered to help us I am planning to have a party Ann prefers to walk to work We prepared to welcome them He pretended not to understand I promise not to be late I refuse to believe his story I regret to tell you that you failed I remembered to lock the door That cat seems to be friendly I can’t stand to wait in long lines It started to rain I struggle to stay awake She swore to tell the truth She threatened to tell my parents I am trying to learn English He volunteered to help us I will wait to hear from you I want to tell you something She wishes to come with us |
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 | Advise Allow Ask Beg Cause Challenge Convince Dare Encourage Expect Forbid Force Hire Instruct Invite Need Order Permit Persuade Remind Require Teach Tell Urge Want Warn | She advised me to wait until tomorrow She allowed me to use her car I asked John to help us They begged me to come Her laziness caused her to fail She challenged me to race her to the corner I couldn’t convince him to accept our help He dared me to do better than he had done He encouraged me to try again I expect you to be on time I forbid you to tell him They forced him to tell the truth She hired a boy to mow the lawn He instructed them to be careful Harry invited the Johnsons to come to his party We needed Chris to help us figure out the solution The judge ordered me to pay a fine He permitted the children to stay up late I persuade him to come for a visit She reminded me to lock the door Our teacher requires us to be on time My brother taught me to swim The doctor told me to take this pills I urge her to apply for a job I want you to be happy I warned you not to drive too fast |
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Nomor 48-73, setelah verbs disisipi oleh Object, baik berupa Noun ataupun pronoun, baru setelah itu diikuti oleh to infinitive.
Jika ada tambahan referensi mengenai daftar kata kerja yang diikuti oleh to infinitive ataupun kata kerja yang diikuti oleh Gerund, silahkan tambahkan. Dan semoga referensi ini bisa dimanfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Azar. S. Betty. 2002. Understanding and Using English Grammar: 3rd Edition. Longman: Pearson Education.
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