3 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Asking Permission
AdminDapodik.com - 3 Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Asking Permission Beserta Terjemahannya. Jika kita ingin meminta izin kepada orang lain, kita akan mengajukan beberapa ungkapan yang sopan. Ada sejumlah ekspresi yang bisa kita gunakan untuk meminta izin (Asking Permission) seperti: Could you borrow me some books, please? Berikut ini saya akan berbagi 3 Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Asking Permission.
Dialogue 1
Alex: Hi Dad, could we talk for a minute?
Dad: Sure.
Alex: So, everyone at school is coming to Jane’s Party tonight.
Dad: And then?
Alex: May I go there? I promise I will get home before 11. Daniel will pick me up.
Dad: Well, my answer is ‘no’. Unless it’s me who takes you there, then you may come.
Alex: Okay, then. Thank you, Dad.
Dad: Sure.
Alex: So, everyone at school is coming to Jane’s Party tonight.
Dad: And then?
Alex: May I go there? I promise I will get home before 11. Daniel will pick me up.
Dad: Well, my answer is ‘no’. Unless it’s me who takes you there, then you may come.
Alex: Okay, then. Thank you, Dad.
Alex: Hai Ayah, bisakah kita bicara sebentar? Ayah: Tentu. Alex: Jadi, semua orang di sekolah akan datang ke pesatnya Jane malam ini. Alex: Bolehkah aku pergi ke sana? Aku janji akan pulang sebelum jam 11. Daniel akan menjemputku. Ayah: Lalu? Ayah: Baiklah, jawabanku ‘tidak boleh’. Kecuali Ayah yang mengantarmu ke sana, baru kamu boleh pergi. Alex: Baiklah. Terima kasih, Ayah. |
Dialogue 2
Jane: My drawing is not beautiful as your drawing, there is much mistake on it. Can I borrow your eraser?
Cathy: Yes, you can. What theme of your drawing is it?
Jane: About mountain view, it is motivated from my hometown.
Cathy: I choose mountain view too, it looks so fresh and natural. Have you tried to colored it?
Jane: Not yet, I am still cleaning the spot on it. May I look your drawing?
Cathy: Yes, here you are.
Jane: Wow…fantastic. You are a good painter in this class.
Cathy: You are over praise.
Cathy: Yes, you can. What theme of your drawing is it?
Jane: About mountain view, it is motivated from my hometown.
Cathy: I choose mountain view too, it looks so fresh and natural. Have you tried to colored it?
Jane: Not yet, I am still cleaning the spot on it. May I look your drawing?
Cathy: Yes, here you are.
Jane: Wow…fantastic. You are a good painter in this class.
Cathy: You are over praise.
Jane: Gambarku tidak seindah gambarmu, ada banyak kesalahan di dalamnya. Dapatkah aku meminjam penghapusmu? Cathy: Ya, kau bisa. Apa tema gambarmu itu? Jane: Tentang pemandangan gunung, itu dimotivasi dari kampung halaman saya. Cathy: Aku memilih pemandangan gunung juga, terlihat begitu segar dan alami. Apakah kamu mencoba untuk berwarna itu? Jane: Belum, aku masih membersihkan bercak di atasnya. Bolehkah aku melihat gambarmu? Cathy: Ya, ini dia. Jane: Wow … fantastis. Kamu adalah seorang pelukis yang baik di kelas ini. Cathy: Kamu terlalu memuji. |
Dialogue 3
Student: Would it be possible for me to have a few more minutes to review before the quiz?
Teacher: Please feel free to study for a few more minutes.
Student: Thank you very much.
Teacher: No problem. Do you have any questions in particular?
Student: Uh, no. I just need to review things quickly.
Teacher: OK. We'll begin in five minutes.
Student: Thank you.
Teacher: Please feel free to study for a few more minutes.
Student: Thank you very much.
Teacher: No problem. Do you have any questions in particular?
Student: Uh, no. I just need to review things quickly.
Teacher: OK. We'll begin in five minutes.
Student: Thank you.
Siswa: Apakah mungkin bagi saya untuk memiliki beberapa menit lagi untuk belajar sebelum kuis? Guru: Silahkan belajar sebentar. Siswa: Terima kasih banyak. Guru: Tidak masalah. Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan khusus? Mahasiswa: Uh, tidak. Saya hanya perlu meninjau hal-hal dengan cepat. Guru: OK. Kami akan mulai dalam lima menit. Siswa: Terima kasih. |
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