7 Hal Penting dalam Mengajarkan Vocabulary
Setelah mengetahui beberapa teknik dalam mengajarkan vocabulary bahasa Inggris (baca: Teknik Pengajaran Vocabulary), sekarang pembelajaran kosakata bahasa Inggris beralih pada beberapa hal penting dalam mengajarkan vocabulary. Dalam mempelajari kosakata / vocabulary bahasa Inggris, setidaknya ada 7 hal penting yang harus kita ketahui. Hal ini diungkapkan Baker dan Westrup (2000: 37) tentang poin-poin penting dalam pengajaran vocabulary bahasa Inggris berikut ini:
- When presenting new vocabulary, you must teach its meaning and pronunciation.
- The precise meaning of new words, in specific contexts, is very important
- The meaning of new words can be taught through pictures, mime, real objects as well as from a situation in context.
- Teachers need to ask questions to check that students understand the meaning
- Students need lots of varied practice of new vocabulary
- Students need to revise new vocabulary regularly
- Students need to record and store new vocabulary in a helpful way. Well-recorded new vocabulary can improve students' learning.

Nah, begitulah kira-kira 7 hal penting yang perlu kita ingat dalam mengajarkan vocabulary bahasa Inggris.
Baker, Joanna and Westrup, Heather. 2000. The English Language Teacher's Handbook. New York: VSO
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