Greeting Card SMP Thursday, November 8, 2018 Add Comment Edit Look and read the following greeting card. Answer the following questions! 1. Who is Felix? 2. Do you know where Felix is? 3. What is Hana writing about? RelatedContoh Teks Memo Beserta Soal dan JawabanContoh Teks Rumpang Greeting Card SMP Soal+JawabanContoh Teks Advertisement House for Sale SMP 4. Who misses Felix much? Sumb3r: English in Focus Grade VII Share this post Related PostsContoh Teks Rumpang Greeting Card SMP Soal+JawabanContoh Teks Narrative the Fog Prince dan pembahasanNarrative of Grief and Escape (soal pilihan ganda)Contoh Teks Advertisement SMP beserta kunci jawabanContoh Teks Recount My Day beserta soal dan pembahasanContoh Teks Narrative RABBIT dan kunci jawabanContoh Teks Recount My Day beserta soal dan pembahasanGreeting Card SMP
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