Puisi Perjuangan Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggris

Puisi Perjuangan Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut dengan "Life Struggle Poems". Puisi ini jelas bertemakan perjuangan hidup yang dihadapi oleh manusia pada umumnya. Untuk itu, marilah simak bersama-sama, puisi tentang perjuangan hidup dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini.

If I would let myself tell you
By Devorah Zolotarev


If I would let myself tell you
Where I’ve come and gone
If I would let myself tell you
How far I have run
If I would let myself tell you
Where I now stand
Then maybe you could help me
And tell me you understand

If I would let myself tell you
About my hidden, darkened fears
If I would let myself tell you
Of my struggles through the years
If I would let myself tell you
My joy of breaking through
Then maybe you could help me
Continue what I do

If I would let myself tell you
Of the battles in my heart
If I would let myself tell you
What shatters me apart
If I would let myself tell you
How fragile I can be
Then maybe you could help me
Escape and just be free

If I would let myself tell you
Why I struggle with each word
If I would let myself tell you
How I’m scared of being heard
If I would let myself tell you
That I wish I could let go
Then maybe you could help me
Because then you would know

If I would let myself tell you
Then all this could disappear
If I would let myself tell you
Then you’d see me crystal clear
If I would let myself tell you
Then at least my tears would flow
Just maybe, maybe now
I’ll allow you to know

 Puisi Perjuangan Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut dengan  Puisi Perjuangan Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggris

REALITYBy Adina Levitan

And so she smiled
As sweet as can be
In the face of the monster
Called reality.

It bared its ugly teeth
And flared its nostrils wide
Under its scrutinizing glare
There was nowhere to hide

In its home, a cave
Filled with dark shadows, no light
She tried to run
As her soul was filled with fright

But the monster gave chase
And despite how fast the little girl tried to run
The monster was always ahead
And it seemed like he had won

Her throbbing legs
And aching heart
Proved how she felt
Like she was being torn apart

Was there anywhere
She would be safe and free
A place where she could escape
The pains of reality?

Because that monster
Tests and tries
To break you down
Your dead soul is his prize

When you run away
He will pursue
But if you befriend him
He will be helpful to you

Don’t run
Despite the chase
Invite him to join you
And create your own place

Reality, you fiend
I thought you were my foe
But truly you’re my comrade
And now, the truth I know

Demikianlah dua puisi perjuangan hidup dalam bahasa Inggris yang untuk sementara disajikan di sini. Jika ada kesempatan lain, semoga saja puisi bhs Inggris orang bule tersebut bisa diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Namun, jika ada salah satu sobat yang ingin menyumbangkan makna tersirat dari puisi di atas, artinya kami sungguh bahagia dan bisa dikirimkan melalui english.indo@yahoo.co.id, oke :D

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