Trip To Borobudur: Contoh Recount Text dan Generic Structure
Trip To Borobudur: Contoh Recount Text dan Generic Structure
Contoh recount text bahasa Inggris tentang liburan menjadi favorit banyak siswa dan para guru ketika sedang belajar bahasa Inggris di bangku sekolah SMP dan SMA. Penulisan teks jenis bercerita penglaman ini termasuk yang paling sederhana dibandingkan dengan jenis teks eplanation, teks report, dan teks ilmiah lainnya.
Kunci cara menulis contoh recount text itu cukup sederhana. Pertama kita hanya perlu menguasai pembuatan kalimat positif dan negatif dalam tensis SImple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, dan akan lebih bagus lagi kalau divariasi dengan Past Perfect Tense.
Penguasaan ke tiga tenses lampau diatas dirasa sudah cukup dalam membuat dan menulis sendiri contoh recaount text apapun topiknya. Selain penguasaan terhadap ketiga tenses lampau bahasa Inggris diatas, kita juga perlu mengetahui bagaimana elemen generic structure teks recount itu di aplikasikan. Perhatikan table berikut
Struktur | Isi Paragraf |
Title | A Trip To Borobudur Temple |
Orientation | Last week, I spent my holiday and went to Borobudur Temple. |
Series of Events 1 | We went to Borobudur Temple by private car |
Series of Events 2 | I saw many tourists |
Reorientation | It was a very interesting vacation |
Recount text dalam contoh pendek dilengkapi dengan generic structure nya ini bercerita tentang liburan “Vacation in Jogja” Recount in learning English should be distinguished with narrative text and spoof text. Recount text purely retell experiences, from one event to another event, which happened in the past. Let’s see the sample below!
A Trip To Borobudur Temple
Menceritakan pengalamn pribadi ketika liburan bisa jadi contoh recount text yang baik
Last week, I spent my holiday in Jogjakarta. I went to Borobudur Temple. My family and I went there early morning.
We went to Borobudur Temple by private car. I had prepared everything before we went to Jogja. While we were driving, we could see some beautiful views of mountains, forests, and waterfalls.
My family and I arrived at Borobudur Temple at 11:30 in the afternoon. There, I saw many tourists. Borobudur Temple was crowded in that holiday vacation. I could learn and practice speaking English with one of foreign tourists. His name was Jack. He was very friendly. It was my first time to speak English with foreign tourist.
We went back at 04:30 in the evening. It was a very interesting vacation
Bagi yang masih bingung apa pengertian dari recount text bahasa Inggris itu dan bagaiman contoh contohnya bisa melihat beberapa ulasan tentang teks recount bahasa Inggris dalam belajar jenis teks dibawah ini
- What is Recount? – Pengertian Recount Text
- Difference Between Recount and Narrative
- Kumpulan Contoh Recount Text Terbaik dalam Bahasa Inggris
- 8 Contoh Recount Text Pendek Bahasa Inggris Terbaik
Lengkapa sudah ulsan generic struktru dan contoh recount text tentang liburan ke Jogja ini. Simple pendek tatapi tetep memenuhi persyaratan supaya disebut dan digolongkan sebagai teks berjenis recount. Happy learning English Online.
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