Contoh Recount Text beserta soal
My officemates and I went by plane to Makassar, the capital city of South South Sulawesi by Srivijaya Air from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The flight took approximately two hours, but please bear in mind that Makassar (GMT+8) is one hour ahead of Jakarta (GMT+7). We left Jakarta at 6 am (GMT+8) and arrived in Makassar at 7 am (GMT+7). It was a business trip and accordingly we need to stay in a hotel near Sultan Hassanudin International Airport in Makassar. We decided to stay in Dharma Nusantara Hotel II located at only 15 minutes from the airport. It's a nice hotel with a good-deal rate and near the airport.
(Adapted from novryanpahlawan[dot]blogspot[dot]com)
Vcabularies: Glossary | |
Capital city | Ibu kota |
Flight | Penerbangan/perjalanan |
Approximately | Diperkirakan |
Bear in mind | Perlu diketahui |
Trip | Perjalanan |
Accordingly | Olehnya |
Decided | Memutuskan |
Recommended | Direkomendasikan |
Looking for | Mencari |
Fancy | Indah/dekoratif |
Decent | Baik |
Dishes | Hidangan |
Answer the following questions based on the above text.
- What is the best title for the text?
- How long was the writer's flight from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Makassar?
- We left Jakarta at 6 am ....
Pronoun 'we' in line 3 refers to .... - What was the purpose of the writer to go to Makassar?
- Where was Surya Super Crab Restaurant located?
- What did the writer and his friends eat in Surya Super Crab Restaurant?
- How was the restaurant according to the writer?
- When did the writer go to Losari beach?
Tag: contoh teks recount beserta soal, soal teks recount, soal reading recount, teks recount berbentuk pengalaman, recount text makassar losari beach, example of recount text plus task.
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