Pengertian dan Contoh Passive Voice Kalimat Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Pengertian dan Contoh Passive Voice Kalimat Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Passive voice adalah kalimat yang dibalik subjek dan objeknya. Semua contoh passive voice kalimat bahasa Inggris yang utuh, subjek dirubah menjadi objek. Begitu juga sebaliknya, yang awalnya menjadi objek sekarang dalam perubahannya menjadi kalimat passive voice yang berawal dari active voice berubah menjadi subjek. Beberapa contoh teks yang menggunakan passive voice adalah explanation text dan report text. Jenis teks ini menggunkan pola kaliamat passive voice karena memang lebih mementingkan kegiatan yang dilakuakan oleh subjek, bahkan dalam beberapa kasus, subjek atau pelaku kalimat tidak perlu disebutkan. Beberapa contoh teks passive voice lainya adalah discussion text.

Sebagai awalan perhatikan paragraf dari The New York Times. Ini adalah contoh paragraf yang mengandung passive voice dan ditulis oleh orang bule sana. Perhatikan kata yang dicetak tebal itu adalah contoh passive voice yang baik.

The three-game series, beginning Tuesday, will be played at Tropicana Field, home of the Tampa Bay Rays, who are out of town. In announcing the move, M.L.B. said no decision had been made on the Astros’ next series, which was to be in Houston against the Mets, starting Friday.

Sekali lagi pada contoh paragraf yang mengandung passive voice seperti dalam medisa surat kabar diatas, pelaku dari kegiatan sering tidak disebutkan. Hal ini terjadi karena sudah dianggap diketahuia tau dianggap tidak penting.

contoh passive voice pada kata bijak bahasa Inggris

contoh passive voice pada kata bijak bahasa Inggris

Pengertian Kalimat Passive Voice Bahasa Inggris

Pengertian passive voice dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris adalah suatu bentuk gramatikal dimana subject kalimat tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi atau ditindaklanjuti oleh pelaku lain baik disebutkan ataupun tidak.

Sebaliknya pada semua kaliamt active voice bahasa Inggris, subject berhubungan langsung dengan verb dengan bertindak sebagai pelaku aksi. Kalimat active voice dapat dengan mudah dirubah menjadi passive voice, namun dengan 1 syarat hanya kalimat yang memiliki transitive verb yang dapat diberlakukan demikian.

Rumus Kalimat Passive Voice 16 Tenses

Sebenaranya rumus passive voice itu sederhana. Rumus umum yang berlaku adalah: TO BE + V3. Namun begitu rumus dasar ini harus disesuaikan dengan semua tense yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk lebih detilnya berikut adalah rumus kalimat passive voice yang diseuaiakan dengan tenses yang digunakan dari kalimat active voice nya.

1. Rumus Passive Voice Simple Present Tense

Active Voice: S + V1 + O
Passive Voice: S + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by + O
Active Voice: She doesn’t write the book
Passive Voice: The book isn’t written by her
Active Voice: I don’t wash the car
Passive Voice: The car isn’t washed by me

2. Rumus Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing
Passive Voice: S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She is reading the book
Passive Voice: The book is being read by her

3. Rumus Passive Voice Present Perfect Tense

Active Voice: S + have/has + V3 + O
Passive Voice: S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She has written the book
Passive Voice: The book has been written by her
Active Voice: I have written the book
Passive Voice: The book hasn been written by me

4. Rumus Passive Voice Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + have/has + been + V1-ing + O
Passive Voice: S + have/has + been + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She has been reading the book
Passive Voice: The book has been being read by her
Active Voice: I have been washing the car
Passive Voice: The car has been being washed by me

5. Rumus Passive Voice Simple Past Tense

Active Voice: S + V2 + O
Passive Voice: S + to be (was, were) + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She wrote a letter
Passive Voice: A letter was written by her

6. Rumus Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + to be (was, were) + V1-ing + O
Passive Voice: S + to be (was, were) + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She was washing the car
Passive Voice: The car was being washed by her

7. Rumus Passive Voice Past Perfect Tense

Active Voice: S + had + V3 + O
Passive Voice: S + had + been + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She hadn’t washed the car
Passive Voice: The car hadn’t been washed by her

8. Rumus Passive Voice Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + had + been + V1-ing + O
Passive Voice: S + had + been + being + V3 + by + O
Active Voice: She hadn’t been washing the car
Passive Voice: The car hadn’t been being washed by her

9. Rumus Passive Voice Simple Future Tense

Active Voice: S + will + V1 + O
Passive Voice: S + will + be + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She will wash the car
Passive Voice: The car will be washed by her

10. Rumus Passive Voice Future Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + will + be + V1-ing + O
Passive Voice: S + will + be + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She will be washing the car
Passive Voice: The car will be being washed by her

11. Rumus Passive Voice Future Perfect Tense

Active Voice: S + will + have + V3 + O
Passive Voice: S + will + have + been + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She will have washed the car
Passive Voice: The car will have been washed by her

12. Rumus Passive Voice Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + will + have + been + V1-ing + O
Passive Voice: S + will + have + been + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She will have been washing the car
Passive Voice: The car will have been being washed by her

13. Rumus Passive Voice Simple Future Past Tense

Active Voice: S + would + V1
Passive Voice: S + would + be + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She would wash the car
Passive Voice: The car would be washed by her

14. Rumus Passive Voice Future Past Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + would + be + V1-ing + O
Passive Voice: S + would + be + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She would be washing the car
Passive Voice: The car would be being washed by her

15. Rumus Passive Voice Future Past Perfect Tense

Active Voice: S + would + have + V3 + O
Passive Voice: S + would + have + been + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She would have washed the car
Passive Voice: The car would have been washed by her

16. Rumus Passive Voice Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + would + have + been + V1-ing + O
Passive Voice: S + would + have + been +being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Active Voice: She would have been washing the car
Passive Voice: The car would have been being washed by her

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice dari Semua Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Yang dimaksud dengan contoh kalimat passive voice dari semua tenses dalam sub judul diatas adalah 16. Tidak hanya 12 tense atau 9 tenses. Akan tetapi semua 16 tenses yang secara grammatical memang ada walaupun dalam penggunaanya tidak semua tenses itu sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari hari.

1. Contoh Passive Voice Simple Present Tense

A story is read by father every day. Artinya: Sebuah cerita dibaca oleh ayah setiap hari
Books are written by the students. Artinya: Buku ditulis oleh para siswa
Tables are made the carpenters. Artinya: Meja dibuat tukang kayu
Shoes are worn by the girls. Artinya: Sepatu dipakai oleh anak perempuan
Clothes are washed by her. Artinya: Pakaian dicuci olehnya

2. Contoh Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense

A story is being read by father now. Artinya: Sebuah cerita sedang dibaca oleh ayah sekarang
Nobody is being called by the presente. Artinya: Tidak ada yang dipanggil oleh presenter ini
I am being interviewed bty HRD manager. Artinya: Saya sedang diwawancarai manajer HRD bty
He is being asked by policeman. Artinya: Dia ditanya oleh polisi
Tables are being moved by students. Artinya: Tabel dipindahkan oleh siswa

3. Contoh Passive Voice Present Perfect Tense

A story has been read by father this time. Artinya: Sebuah cerita telah dibaca oleh ayah kali ini
The shop has been opened by a VIP man. Artinya: Toko itu telah dibuka oleh seorang pria VIP
A ball has been bought by my brother. Artinya: Sebuah bola telah dibeli oleh saudaraku
I have been guided by the experts. Artinya: Saya telah dibimbing oleh para ahli
Farmers have been helped by goverment. Artinya: Petani dibantu oleh pemerintah

4. Contoh Passive Voice Present Perfect Continuous Tense

A story has been being read by father this morning. Artinya: Sebuah cerita telah dibaca oleh ayah pagi ini
Rice has been being cooked by mother. Artinya: Beras telah dimasak oleh ibu
A table has been being moved by my bother. Artinya: Sebuah meja telah digerakkan oleh kesusahanku
A chair has been being painted by the man. Artinya: Sebuah kursi telah dilukis oleh pria itu
The women have been being caught by policemen. Artinya: Para wanita telah ditangkap oleh polisi

5. Contoh Passive Voice Simple Past Tense

A story was read by father yesterday. Artinya: Sebuah cerita dibacakan oleh ayah kemarin
I was interviewed by manager. Artinya: Saya diwawancarai oleh manajer
He was asked by the girl. Artinya: Dia ditanya oleh gadis itu
She was helped by the man. Artinya: Dia dibantu oleh pria itu
The were supported by audiences. Artinya: Yang didukung oleh penonton

6. Contoh Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense

A story was being read by father when it rained yesterday. Artinya: Sebuah cerita sedang dibaca oleh ayah saat hujan turun kemarin
The phone as being sold by the man. Artinya: Ponsel itu dijual oleh pria itu
A car was being driven by the girl. Artinya: Sebuah mobil didorong oleh gadis itu
The man was being intivited by my father. Artinya: Pria itu sedang diintimidasi oleh ayahku
Tables ware being painted by my neighbour. Artinya: Meja ware dicat oleh tetangga saya

7. Contoh Passive Voice Past Perfect Tense

A story had been read by father yesterday morning. Artinya: Sebuah cerita telah dibaca oleh ayah kemarin pagi
A book had been written by a famous author. Artinya: Sebuah buku telah ditulis oleh seorang penulis terkenal
A chair had been sold by the man. Artinya: Sebuah kursi telah dijual oleh pria itu
The bycicle had been repaired by mechanics. Artinya: Bycicle telah diperbaiki oleh mekanik
Radios had been sold by salesman. Artinya: Radio telah dijual oleh salesman

8. Contoh Passive Voice Past Perfect Continuous Tense

A story had been being read by father at 8 o’clock yesterday morning. Artinya: Sebuah cerita telah dibaca oleh ayah pada pukul 8 pagi kemarin
I had been being invited by my neighbour. Artinya: Saya telah diundang oleh tetangga saya
The man had been being called by the woman. Artinya: Pria itu dipanggil oleh wanita itu
A car had been being repaired by a mechanic. Artinya: Sebuah mobil telah diperbaiki oleh seorang mekanik
A book had been being sold by the author. Artinya: Sebuah buku telah dijual oleh penulis

9. Contoh Passive Voice Simple Future Tense

A story will be read by father tomorrow. Artinya: Sebuah cerita akan dibaca oleh ayah besok
She will be invited by the man. Artinya: Dia akan diajak oleh pria itu
The man will be interviewed by the manager. Artinya: Pria itu akan diwawancarai oleh manajer
The manager will be guided by the directors. Artinya: Manajer akan dipandu oleh direksi
The directors will be supported by employees. Artinya: Direksi akan didukung oleh karyawan

10. Contoh Passive Voice Future Continuous Tense

A story will be being read by father at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. Artinya: Sebuah cerita akan dibaca oleh ayah pada pukul 8 pagi besok
A book will be being introduced by a teacher. Artinya: Sebuah buku akan diperkenalkan oleh seorang guru
The teacher will be being instructed by a head master. Artinya: Guru akan diinstruksikan oleh kepala sekolah
They will be being invited by the commitee. Artinya: Mereka akan diundang oleh panitia
Andi will be being visited by Ani. Artinya: Andi akan dikunjungi oleh Ani

11. Contoh Passive Voice Future Perfect Tense

A story will have been read by father at 10 o’clock this morning. Artinya: Sebuah cerita akan dibaca oleh ayah pada pukul 10 pagi ini
Shooes will have been sold by traders. Artinya: Shooes akan dijual oleh pedagang
Trousers will have been washed by them. Artinya: Celana sudah dicuci oleh mereka
T-shirt will have been pressed by the girl. Artinya: T-shirt akan ditekan oleh gadis itu
A pen will have been used by a student. Artinya: Pena akan digunakan oleh siswa

12. Contoh Passive Voice Future Perfect Continuous Tense

A story will have been being read by father yesterday morning. Artinya: Sebuah cerita akan dibacakan oleh ayah kemarin pagi
A doll will have been being played by the girl. Artinya: Boneka akan dimainkan oleh gadis itu
A news will have been being written by the journalist. Artinya: Sebuah berita akan ditulis oleh wartawan
Hobbies will have been being done by many people. Artinya: Hobi akan dilakukan oleh banyak orang
Rice will have been being planted by farmers. Artinya: Beras akan ditanam petani

13. Contoh Passive Voice Simple Past Future Tense

A story would be read by father yesterday morning. Artinya: Sebuah cerita akan dibacakan oleh ayah kemarin pagi
The ball would be kicked by the player. Artinya: Bola akan ditendang oleh pemain
The man would be called by the woman. Artinya: Pria itu akan dipanggil oleh wanita itu
I would be appreciated by the commitee. Artinya: Saya akan diapresiasi oleh panitia
The goat would be fed by the man. Artinya: Kambing itu akan diberi makan oleh pria itu

14. Contoh Passive Voice Past Future Continuous Tense

A story would be being read by father yesterday morning. Artinya: Sebuah cerita akan dibaca oleh ayah kemarin pagi
Noone would be being called by the presenter. Artinya: Tidak ada yang akan dipanggil oleh presenter
A book would be being read the kid. Artinya: Sebuah buku akan dibaca anak itu
A watch would be being repaired by the man. Artinya: Jam tangan akan diperbaiki oleh pria itu
Shoes would be being worn by the students. Artinya: Sepatu akan dipakai oleh para siswa

15. Contoh Passive Voice Past Future Perfect Tense

A story would have been read by father when I went to school yesterday. Artinya: Sebuah cerita pasti sudah dibaca oleh ayah saat saya kuliah kemarin
A t-shirt would have been sold bt my sister. Artinya: T-shirt akan dijual bt adikku
the car would have been driven vt the woman. Artinya: Mobil itu pasti digerakkan oleh wanita itu
corn would have been planted by the farmer. Artinya: jagung akan ditanam oleh petani
fish would have been cought by fishermen. Artinya: ikan pasti sudah dicoba oleh nelayan

16. Contoh Passive Voice Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

A story would have been being read by father, an hour after he got up yesterday morning. Artinya: Sebuah cerita pasti sudah dibaca oleh ayah, satu jam setelah dia bangun kemarin pagi
A book would have been being written by me. Artinya: Sebuah buku pasti sudah ditulis oleh saya
A bownl of porridge would have been being eaten by my brother. Artinya: Semangkuk bubur pastilah sudah dimakan adikku
The phone would have been being sold the man. Artinya: Ponsel itu pasti dijual pria itu
A table would have been being moved by the carpenter. Artinya: Semua meja pasti sedang di pindahkan oleh tukang kayu

Begitulah contoh passive voice bahasa inggris dan artinya yang bisa digunakan sebagai landasan memahami paragraf dan jenis explanation text. Agak jarang memang ada contoh cerita yang menggunakan passive voice. Karena narrative text tidak menyertakan passive voice sebagai salah satu language feature nya. Itutulah pentingnya menghafal 3 hal dalam belajar jenis teks bahasa Inggris. Ketiga itu adalah pengertian dan tujuan, generic structure, dan ciri language feature pada setiap jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang berbeda.

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