Skripsi: The Analysis of the Common Errors Made by the Second Grade Students of MTS Al-Mursyidyyah in Using English Tenses
The Analysis of the Common Errors Made by the Second Grade Students of MTS Al-Mursyidyyah in Using English Tenses
This study is purposed to measure the errors made by students in using English tenses, tested for the second grade of MTs Al-Mursyidiyyah Pamulang South Tangerang at odd semester academic year 2010/2011. Through this study, it can be known which one of the tenses items is too easy, moderate, and difficult for the students.
This study is included in quantitative research because the researcher uses some numerical data which are analyzed statistically. Also, this study is categorized as descriptive analysis because it is intended to describe the objective condition about the errors made by the second grade of MTs Al-Mursyidiyyah South Tangerang in using English tenses at odd semester academic year 2010/2011.
The findings of this study are that some students still have not understood well the rule and the usage of those tenses even though they have just learnt. Simple Present Tense as the basic tenses becomes the item with the highest frequency of error that reaches up to 47.20%. Then Present Progressive Tense with 39.94% frequency of error, Past Progressive Tense with 37.8% frequency of error, Simple Past Tense with 37.3% frequency of error, Simple Future Tense with 35.5% and the lowest frequency of error made by the second grade of MTs Al-Mursyidiyyah is Future Progressive Tense with 28.3%. It can be concluded that the students found difficulty in identifying tenses test.
The result of this item analysis research can give the information about which material of tenses or problem the English teachers should focus more in the classroom in order to make the students ready for study English tenses in their learning process.
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